Using OpenVPN with 1password
I have a small desktop tower on my local network, an old Dell Optiplex that a friend gifted me. Shout out to Ryan! I run Ubuntu Linux on this machine, with docker containers for Plex, and Homebridge. I also use this server to deploy some hobby projects of my own.
Sometimes I need to start up a VPN tunnel from the Optiplex. Since I already have a ProtonVPN license that I use on the macbook and the iPhone, I thought I should be able to use ProtonVPN on Ubuntu. There’s an official package distributed by ProtonVPN, but it’s designed for desktop linux. I wanted to be able to run a VPN tunnel connecting to ProtonVPN’s servers using the CLI. I looked to see if there a CLI version and there was (v3 Linux CLI) but it didn’t work for me. I found that ProtonVPN published a document to configure OpenVPN for ProtonVPN in Linux. This worked out for me. What I didn’t want to settle for is storing the openvpn configuration file, with sensitive information, on the server. Since I already use 1password, I wanted to store this file in 1password and have some script pipe the file from 1password into the OpenVPN CLI. I stumbled upon a project that does exactly this. As long as you format the 1password entry properly, you will be good. Here is my 1password entry as an example:
Here’s a replay of my shell session:
$ eval $(op signin)
Enter the password for [redacted] at
$ openvpn_1password "op://Personal/ProtonVPNOpenVPN"
[2024-04-19T21:20:25Z INFO openvpn_1password::openvpn] OpenVPN stdout: 2024-04-19 21:20:25 Initialization Sequence Completed
If you see “Initialization Sequence Completed”, you are off to the races!